
Is Israel an Apartheid State?
Zionism and the BibleYou may have seen it: demonstrators line city streets holding signs such as “Free Palestine,” accusing Israel of xenophobia, racism, and apartheid. Amnesty International even published an official report accusing Israel of apartheid against…

Does the Land of Israel Belong to the Jewish People?
Zionism and the BibleThis has been one of the most hot-button, emotive political topics since the establishment of the modern state of Israel in 1948. Emotions aside, we believe there is a solid biblical, historical, and legal case for Israel’s ownership of the…

What Does the Bible Say about the State of Israel?
Zionism and the BibleThe Bible has a lot to say about Israel! In fact, most of Bible prophecy revolves around the state of Israel. The Bible clearly prophesied that Abraham’s descendants through Isaac and Jacob would inherit the Land, the Jewish people would be…