
Is Jesus the One for Me?

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A casual read through the Bible will show that Jesus was sent by God for all of humanity, but especially for Jewish people. We learn the genealogy of Jesus (Matthew 1:1–17) and see that he was not only Jewish but a descendent of both David…

Why Was Jesus a Popular Rabbi?

Jesus (Yeshua) often found himself surrounded by fellow Jewish people who were begging for his attention and hanging on his every word. He drew crowds with his stories, spoke wisely, and was famous throughout the land because of his miracles.…

How Can I Learn More about Jesus?

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If you have begun to investigate Jesus and you’re curious to know more, what are some next steps for learning more about him? You have come to the right place! There are numerous ways in which you can grow in your knowledge about Jesus. Nothing…

Did Jesus Exist?

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Jesus of Nazareth is arguably the most influential person in history. Billions of people around the world know about the God of the Bible (the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob) because of Jesus’ life, death, claimed resurrection, and teachings.…

Was Jesus a Prophet?

You may have heard that Jesus was a teacher who performed miracles and claimed to be sent by God. You may have also heard him being called a prophet. Jesus was indeed a prophet, meaning that, like other biblical prophets, he delivered a message…

What is the Relationship Between God and Jesus?

Things are not always what they seem. Sometimes, discovering this can change everything. The enduring appeal of crime dramas and murder mysteries illustrates how the human mind is eager to uncover what is hidden. Think, for example, of the classic…

Was Jesus Jewish?

In 1938, French-Jewish artist Marc Chagall painted “White Crucifixion,” which depicts Yeshua as a Jewish man hanging on a tree. He is wearing a prayer shawl and is surrounded by images of contemporary persecution: a synagogue is burned,…
Brian Crawford

Did Jesus Rise from the Dead?

This is one of the most important questions you could ever ask. If Jesus rose from the dead, then he is who he claimed to be—the Messiah of Israel and the Son of God. But if Jesus did not rise from the dead, then he should go down in history…

Are Jesus and Yeshua the Same Person?

If you read more about Jesus on this site and elsewhere, you will probably come across another name: Yeshua. Who is this Yeshua person, and how is he connected with Jesus? It may surprise you to learn that Yeshua is another name for Jesus! In…

Why Do We Love Superheroes?

We’re all captivated by superhero movies. We love seeing the Bat-Signal displayed in the sky as Batman speeds off to clean up crime in Gotham City. We are drawn in when Spider-Man’s spidey sense alerts him to danger, and he swings into action…