
Suffering and the Existence of God
Atonement and Salvation from Sin, Belief in God, Common Questions, Problem of Evil, Reasons to Believe, Theological IssuesAs Ellis Goldstein watched the police car enter his driveway, he braced himself for the bad news. The officer handed Ellis the driver’s license of his seventeen-year-old daughter, Heather, regrettably informing him that she had just died in…

How Has the Bible Transformed the World?
Belief in God, Common Questions, New Testament IssuesHow did the world become the way it is today? Any serious answer to this question must acknowledge the tremendous influence the Bible has had on the world. Whatever you believe about the Bible's spiritual claims, the best-selling book in history…

Is There Such a Thing as Absolute Truth?
Belief in God, Contemporary Issues, Theological IssuesA famous fable tells of a group of blind men who encounter an elephant. One finds the tail and concludes that he found a whip. Another grasps a leg and says it's a tree. Yet another feels the side and thinks it's a wall. The blind men begin…

How Does Astronomy Provide Evidence for God?
Belief in God, Reasons to BelieveHave you ever looked up at the night sky and wondered what’s out there and where it all came from? Where we came from? You may be surprised to find out that the evidence for the universe’s beginning points to God. In fact, the Bible encourages…

How Does Science Point to the Existence of God?
Belief in God, Reasons to BelieveHow does science point to the existence of God? In any investigation, evidence is an irreplaceable necessity. When someone is murdered, the detective does not sit in his armchair and spin out as many possible murder scenarios in his head as…

Are Science and Faith Compatible?
Belief in God, Common Questions, Contemporary IssuesThis is an important question, especially in light of the successes of modern science in the last four hundred years. Science is an unquestionable good to human flourishing. How does it fit with faith?
When we think of the term science, we…