

Can I Be Jewish and Believe in Jesus?

I’d like to introduce you to Jordan, Ronit, and Johnny. Jordan grew up in a Jewish home, but he hated Hebrew School and flunked out before his bar mitzvah. He was infatuated with the arts and pursued a career in theater. He became involved…

Who Was Jesus?

“Jesus was Jewish… which makes sense, because he really loved his mother.” – Joan Rivers The answer to this question is so simple that a child can begin to grasp it and so complex that we could never plumb its deepest depths. What…

Is Jesus the Messiah of Israel?

This is one of the most important questions you could ever ask yourself. If you are curious about Jesus and how he is relevant to you as a Jewish person, then you have come to the right place. Yes, we wholeheartedly believe that Yeshua (his…