Is the Church the “True Israel”?

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What is replacement theology? Replacement theology (also known as Supersessionism) asserts that the Church—followers of Jesus from all nations—has replaced the Jewish people as God’s chosen people. Those who hold to replacement theology…

What Does the New Testament Say About Supporting Israel?

Ever since its declaration of independence in 1948, the State of Israel has been under attack from forces who desire her destruction. Jewish people from within Israel and the Diaspora have been the primary supporters of Israel’s cause since…

What is the Relationship Between Jesus and the Hebrew Scriptures?

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Some assume Jesus had very little connection to the Hebrew Scriptures and think he intended to start a new religion. When you read the accounts of Jesus’s life, it becomes plain that nothing could be further from the truth. Jesus’s life…

How Can I Learn More about Jesus?

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If you have begun to investigate Jesus and you’re curious to know more, what are some next steps for learning more about him? You have come to the right place! There are numerous ways in which you can grow in your knowledge about Jesus. Nothing…

What Is the Relationship Between the Two Testaments?

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A Shabbat dinner in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil may be an odd place to start for this article, but that is where my wife and I recently met a new Israeli friend. Mutual friends connected us since we were both backpacking in South America and happened…

How Has the Bible Transformed the World?

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How did the world become the way it is today? Any serious answer to this question must acknowledge the tremendous influence the Bible has had on the world. Whatever you believe about the Bible's spiritual claims, the best-selling book in history…

Did Jesus Exist?

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Jesus of Nazareth is arguably the most influential person in history. Billions of people around the world know about the God of the Bible (the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob) because of Jesus’ life, death, claimed resurrection, and teachings.…

Is the God of the New Testament the Same as the God of Israel?

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Some have argued that the God of the New Testament is different from the God of the Hebrew Bible. If you were brought up in a Jewish home, this may have been a common notion. For some, the God of Israel is known through the Hebrew Scriptures,…