The Spirit of Hanukkah in Messianic Judaism
Jewish Holidays, Messianic Judaism“What shall be said of those Jewish Christians who, having had their hearts and minds awakened, are, like the Maccabaeans of old, fired with zeal and ardour, and seek tenaciously to cling to their Jewish national identity.”
These are words…
Are Christians “the true Jews”?
Antisemitism and Belief in Jesus, Messianic Judaism, Theological IssuesOn October 7, 2023, one of the darkest days in Jewish history unfolded as Hamas brutally murdered over 1,200 Jewish people and abducted more than 240 men, women, and children, using them as human shields. Following this massacre, antisemitism…
Was Jesus a Rabbi?
Messianic Judaism, YeshuaIs there a single word that best sums up the life of Jesus? Many call him “the Savior” because he saves people from being alienated from God. Others call him “the Redeemer” for much the same reason. Perhaps the most common title used…
What Does it Mean to Be a Jewish Follower of Jesus?
Common Questions, Messianic JudaismEver since Jesus' ministry began in Israel, there have been Jewish people who believed in him. Jesus’ first followers were Jewish, and within thirty years of his resurrection from the dead, thousands of Jewish people in Jerusalem alone believed…
Can I Be Jewish and Believe in Jesus?
Common Questions, Messianic JudaismI’d like to introduce you to Jordan, Ronit, and Johnny.
Jordan grew up in a Jewish home, but he hated Hebrew School and flunked out before his bar mitzvah. He was infatuated with the arts and pursued a career in theater. He became involved…