‘Tis the season of wintertime magic. Whimsical carols fill the air. Families bundle up inside. Hot cocoa warms our mugs as snow blankets the ground. Enchantment and serenity are the promises of the season. Even so, in our culture, the magic…
https://aboutmessiah.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/pillar-of-fire.jpg1108713Brian J. Crawfordhttps://aboutmessiah.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/About-Messiah-Logo-No-Transparency-300x169.pngBrian J. Crawford2024-12-26 18:52:532024-12-26 18:52:53The Jewishness of a Divine Messiah
In the cold winter of Jerusalem, amid the Festival of Lights, Yeshua stood in Solomon's Colonnade on the eastern side of the Temple, surrounded by curious and confrontational listeners. The setting was Hanukkah (the Feast of Dedication), the…
https://aboutmessiah.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/Jerusalem_Hannukah_021210.jpg768576Jennifer Mileshttps://aboutmessiah.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/About-Messiah-Logo-No-Transparency-300x169.pngJennifer Miles2024-12-26 18:36:132025-01-02 18:28:38Yeshua’s Hanukkah Declarations of his Identity
Christians often say, “Jesus died for your sins,” a statement that may seem at odds with Jewish beliefs about how our sins are forgiven. But what if I told you that Hanukkah reveals a deeper connection, showing that there is a concept in…
https://aboutmessiah.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/maccabean-martyrs.jpg782474J. Aharonhttps://aboutmessiah.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/About-Messiah-Logo-No-Transparency-300x169.pngJ. Aharon2024-12-26 18:22:092024-12-26 18:22:09Atonement without a Temple: Maccabean Martyrs and Yeshua
According to the Jewish prayer book for the High Holidays (the machzor), “Repentance, prayer, and charity can avert the severity of the evil decree.” According to Jewish tradition, on Rosh Hashanah, God opens up two books in heaven: the…
https://aboutmessiah.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/woman-repentance-AI-1.png20483584Brian J. Crawfordhttps://aboutmessiah.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/About-Messiah-Logo-No-Transparency-300x169.pngBrian J. Crawford2024-10-02 23:20:342024-10-02 23:20:34What are the Ten Days of Repentance?
The shofar is a horn, usually made from a ram’s horn, and is considered one of the most ancient instruments. It has become a well-known symbol associated with the Jewish people and Jewish tradition, particularly with the major Jewish holiday…
https://aboutmessiah.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Shofar.jpg4931024E. Asherhttps://aboutmessiah.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/About-Messiah-Logo-No-Transparency-300x169.pngE. Asher2024-10-02 13:16:142024-10-02 18:42:12What is the Significance of the Shofar?
What is replacement theology?
Replacement theology (also known as Supersessionism) asserts that the Church—followers of Jesus from all nations—has replaced the Jewish people as God’s chosen people. Those who hold to replacement theology…
https://aboutmessiah.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/29981852495_0a371eb529_k.jpg13622048E. Asherhttps://aboutmessiah.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/About-Messiah-Logo-No-Transparency-300x169.pngE. Asher2024-06-27 22:27:202024-10-02 18:22:56Is the Church the “True Israel”?