
Atonement without a Temple: Maccabean Martyrs and Yeshua
Atonement and Salvation from Sin, Jewish HolidaysChristians often say, “Jesus died for your sins,” a statement that may seem at odds with Jewish beliefs about how our sins are forgiven. But what if I told you that Hanukkah reveals a deeper connection, showing that there is a concept in…

Why Do We Need a Messiah?
Atonement and Salvation from Sin, Common Questions, Messianic Prophecy, YeshuaAll you have to do is flip through the latest news to see that all is not right in the world. The nature of news, of course, exaggerates the negative side of life to boost ratings. But this exaggeration cannot hide how corrupt this world has…

What Is the Relationship Between the Two Testaments?
Bible, Messianic Prophecy, New Testament IssuesA Shabbat dinner in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil may be an odd place to start for this article, but that is where my wife and I recently met a new Israeli friend. Mutual friends connected us since we were both backpacking in South America and happened…

Did Jesus Rise from the Dead?
Reasons to Believe, YeshuaThis is one of the most important questions you could ever ask. If Jesus rose from the dead, then he is who he claimed to be—the Messiah of Israel and the Son of God. But if Jesus did not rise from the dead, then he should go down in history…

Why Do We Love Superheroes?
Reasons to Believe, YeshuaWe’re all captivated by superhero movies. We love seeing the Bat-Signal displayed in the sky as Batman speeds off to clean up crime in Gotham City. We are drawn in when Spider-Man’s spidey sense alerts him to danger, and he swings into action…