Is the Church the “True Israel”?

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What is replacement theology? Replacement theology (also known as Supersessionism) asserts that the Church—followers of Jesus from all nations—has replaced the Jewish people as God’s chosen people. Those who hold to replacement theology…

Are Christians “the true Jews”?

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On October 7, 2023, one of the darkest days in Jewish history unfolded as Hamas brutally murdered over 1,200 Jewish people and abducted more than 240 men, women, and children, using them as human shields. Following this massacre, antisemitism…

Do We Have Free Will?

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The topic of free will is one of the most significant questions in philosophy. It has been hotly debated among scholars and authors, but how one answers this question also practically influences how one lives. Do we really have any say whom…

Where is Messiah in the Hebrew Scriptures? Part I

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According to the New Testament, the resurrected Yeshua was walking on the road with two of his disciples on Resurrection Sunday (Easter), and they didn’t recognize him. They were depressed that their rabbi had just been executed. So Yeshua…

Is Morality Objective or Subjective?

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You may have seen a bumper sticker that says "coexist," written with various symbols. For instance, the Muslim crescent moon represents a “C,” the peace symbol stands in for an “o,” the Star of David represents an “x,” and a cross…

What Is Messianic Prophecy?

Within the pages of the Bible are incredible predictions of a time filled with universal peace and love, a time where the world is no longer affected by racism and war, and a time where we are not bothered by taxes or bills. This is what God…

Why is There So Much Evil in the World?

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The great Russian author Fyodor Dostoevsky wrote that “a beast can never be so cruel as a man, so artistically cruel.” Whatever one's religious convictions, it would be difficult to deny that people are capable of unspeakable cruelty. There…

Are Heaven and Hell Real Places?

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In the modern world, we are unaccustomed to talking about Hell as a real place, and if we speak about Heaven, we often assume that it is the default destiny of all human beings. However, if you do any kind of reading or studying of the Bible…

Suffering and the Existence of God

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As Ellis Goldstein watched the police car enter his driveway, he braced himself for the bad news. The officer handed Ellis the driver’s license of his seventeen-year-old daughter, Heather, regrettably informing him that she had just died in…

Did Jesus Claim to Be Divine?

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In a Jewish mindset there is only one God in all the cosmos (Deut. 6:4, Isaiah 44:6). It would be remarkable for a Jewish person to claim his own divinity; however, it is even more extraordinary that Jesus’s early Jewish followers agreed with…