The Spirit of Hanukkah in Messianic Judaism

“What shall be said of those Jewish Christians who, having had their hearts and minds awakened, are, like the Maccabaeans of old, fired with zeal and ardour, and seek tenaciously to cling to their Jewish national identity.” These are words…

Atonement without a Temple: Maccabean Martyrs and Yeshua

Christians often say, “Jesus died for your sins,” a statement that may seem at odds with Jewish beliefs about how our sins are forgiven. But what if I told you that Hanukkah reveals a deeper connection, showing that there is a concept in…
Woman repentance, AI generated

What are the Ten Days of Repentance?

According to the Jewish prayer book for the High Holidays (the machzor), “Repentance, prayer, and charity can avert the severity of the evil decree.” According to Jewish tradition, on Rosh Hashanah, God opens up two books in heaven: the…

How Is Jesus the Bridge Between Religious Traditions?

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When my Jewish grandmother married a Roman Catholic, she signed a piece of paper at their Catholic wedding promising to raise their children in the Catholic faith. One of the effects of that promise was that the whole family celebrated Christmas.…