What is Atonement?

Atonement is not a particularly popular word in English, but perhaps you are familiar with Yom Kippur, which means Day of Atonement. It is a time when many Jewish people fast and pray, seeking God’s forgiveness. In everyday speech, the verb…

Are People Innately Good or Bad?

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Are People Innately Good or Bad? Few elements of the Bible’s message regarding human nature and our standing with God have been more misunderstood or intentionally distorted than the concept of sin. As the old line goes, “There’s good…

What is Sin?

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While reading articles on this site, you most likely came across the word sin. You may be wondering what exactly this term means. It is not a pleasant word, but its impact in our world and personal lives is enormous. In a general sense, sin…

Will Jesus Give Me Health, Wealth, and Happiness?

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“As the Good Book says, ‘Heal us, O Lord, and we shall be healed.’ In other words, send us the cure. We've got the sickness already… Oh, dear Lord! You made many, many poor people. I realize, of course, it's no…

Was Jesus a Prophet?

You may have heard that Jesus was a teacher who performed miracles and claimed to be sent by God. You may have also heard him being called a prophet. Jesus was indeed a prophet, meaning that, like other biblical prophets, he delivered a message…

Is the God of the New Testament the Same as the God of Israel?

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Some have argued that the God of the New Testament is different from the God of the Hebrew Bible. If you were brought up in a Jewish home, this may have been a common notion. For some, the God of Israel is known through the Hebrew Scriptures,…

What is the Relationship Between God and Jesus?

Things are not always what they seem. Sometimes, discovering this can change everything. The enduring appeal of crime dramas and murder mysteries illustrates how the human mind is eager to uncover what is hidden. Think, for example, of the classic…