Entries by Staff

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Is the Church the “True Israel”?

What is replacement theology? Replacement theology (also known as Supersessionism) asserts that the Church—followers of Jesus from all nations—has replaced the Jewish people as God’s chosen people. Those who hold to replacement theology might say things like, “The Church is the true Israel” or “The promises God made to Israel have been transferred to the […]

How Does Hamas Treat the Palestinian People?

Many people consider Hamas to be a freedom-fighting force courageously opposing oppression and liberating the Palestinian people. As a result, they assume that being pro-Palestinian means being pro-Hamas. In reality, Hamas shows little care about the wellbeing of the Palestinian people. Hamas skirts its responsibility as the Palestinians’ elected government to protect and provide for […]


Why Don’t Palestinians Have a Sovereign State?

You may think that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a conflict between two warring sides that have equal apathy for peace. However, a survey of history shows otherwise. Palestinians do not have a sovereign state because Palestinian leadership has rejected all peace offers presented to date. Palestinian leadership is more committed to destroying Israel than becoming […]


What Does Hamas Want?

You may have heard that Hamas is a resistance group dedicated to liberating Palestinians. People are coming together in support of Hamas, passionately chanting, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!” because they view Hamas as the champion of freedom and justice, staunchly defending the Palestinian people against Israel. Is this true? […]