When you start more about Jesus, you will almost certainly run across the term “Messiah.” Most of the time, this word will be used in reference to Jesus as a title or as a description of who he is. This word holds great value throughout…
Some have argued that the God of the New Testament is different from the God of the Hebrew Bible. If you were brought up in a Jewish home, this may have been a common notion. For some, the God of Israel is known through the Hebrew Scriptures,…
https://aboutmessiah.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/sander-crombach-d_so1tRFKJk-unsplash-scaled.jpg16782560Rachel Larsenhttps://aboutmessiah.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/About-Messiah-Logo-No-Transparency-300x169.pngRachel Larsen2020-10-16 20:45:282021-09-21 15:14:56Is the God of the New Testament the Same as the God of Israel?
Things are not always what they seem. Sometimes, discovering this can change everything. The enduring appeal of crime dramas and murder mysteries illustrates how the human mind is eager to uncover what is hidden. Think, for example, of the classic…
https://aboutmessiah.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Plot-Twist.png338832Brian J. Crawfordhttps://aboutmessiah.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/About-Messiah-Logo-No-Transparency-300x169.pngBrian J. Crawford2020-10-16 20:11:142021-09-21 15:51:08What is the Relationship Between God and Jesus?
In 1938, French-Jewish artist Marc Chagall painted “White Crucifixion,” which depicts Yeshua as a Jewish man hanging on a tree. He is wearing a prayer shawl and is surrounded by images of contemporary persecution: a synagogue is burned,…
Have you ever looked up at the night sky and wondered what’s out there and where it all came from? Where we came from? You may be surprised to find out that the evidence for the universe’s beginning points to God. In fact, the Bible encourages…
https://aboutmessiah.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/greg-rakozy-oMpAz-DN-9I-unsplash-scaled.jpg17072560Justin Wheatonhttps://aboutmessiah.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/About-Messiah-Logo-No-Transparency-300x169.pngJustin Wheaton2020-10-16 19:36:192023-09-29 22:20:58How Does Astronomy Provide Evidence for God?
“It’s not what you know; it’s who you know.” This popular saying suggests that one's social connections play a greater role in determining career prospects than education or experience. Indeed, networking and "making a good first impression"…
https://aboutmessiah.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/zac-durant-_6HzPU9Hyfg-unsplash.jpg16672500Rachel Larsenhttps://aboutmessiah.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/About-Messiah-Logo-No-Transparency-300x169.pngRachel Larsen2020-10-16 19:24:312021-09-21 15:31:45What Does It Mean to Have a Relationship with God?