What will the Messiah be like, and what will he do? Many people have asked this question throughout the centuries. The prophet Isaiah had a lot to say in response to this question. In Isaiah 52:13—53:12 (from here on, just “Isaiah 53”),…
Isaiah 53 is an amazing chapter filled with significant prophecies about the Messiah. This chapter 1) provides specific details of how Messiah would suffer and die to take away our sins, 2) describes Messiah’s rejection by His own people,…
https://aboutmessiah.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Full_Book_of_Isaiah_2006-06-06-e1598051297815.jpg12281541BJ Kerstetterhttps://aboutmessiah.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/About-Messiah-Logo-No-Transparency-300x169.pngBJ Kerstetter2020-08-21 23:09:172021-09-21 15:29:07What Does Isaiah 53 Have to Do with Jesus?
This question could be asked in another way: what does the Old Testament say about the Messiah, and does Jesus fit that description? From the moment that we, the Jewish people, began to be a distinct nation, God planned to send the Messiah to…
https://aboutmessiah.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/brown-book-page-1112048-scaled.jpg17062560S. Arnoldhttps://aboutmessiah.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/About-Messiah-Logo-No-Transparency-300x169.pngS. Arnold2020-08-21 22:46:262021-09-21 15:41:24What Does the Old Testament Say About Jesus?
“Elevators are like everyone else; we all have our ups and downs.” While this analogy can put a smile on our face, there is some truth to it. Everyone has happy times and sad times. Sometimes, the sad times can get pretty bad. Sometimes…
https://aboutmessiah.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/monochrome-photography-of-person-on-dark-room-1299417-1-scaled.jpg17072560Michael Hertshttps://aboutmessiah.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/About-Messiah-Logo-No-Transparency-300x169.pngMichael Herts2020-08-21 22:39:222021-09-20 18:42:25How Can God Help Me with Suicidal Thoughts?
To help in coping with anxiety, we first need to define what we mean by anxiety. Without going into technical or psychological terms, anxiety is an emotional state that is usually manifested in a state of nervousness and uneasiness. This is…
https://aboutmessiah.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/woman-in-white-clothes-on-a-corner-2967156-scaled.jpg25601707David Sedacahttps://aboutmessiah.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/About-Messiah-Logo-No-Transparency-300x169.pngDavid Sedaca2020-08-21 22:30:042021-09-20 18:23:58How Can God Help Me with Anxiety?
When my Jewish grandmother married a Roman Catholic, she signed a piece of paper at their Catholic wedding promising to raise their children in the Catholic faith. One of the effects of that promise was that the whole family celebrated Christmas.…
https://aboutmessiah.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/DSC6792_RGB-scaled.jpg25601714Jacob Palmerhttps://aboutmessiah.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/About-Messiah-Logo-No-Transparency-300x169.pngJacob Palmer2020-08-21 22:06:522021-09-21 15:07:19How Is Jesus the Bridge Between Religious Traditions?