To read Part I of this series, click here.
In this second article on Messiah in the Hebrew Scriptures, I am going to introduce you to a concept that I believe is the key to finding Yeshua throughout Israel’s experience in the Old Testament.
No… J. Crawford J. Crawford2023-05-17 17:18:162023-05-17 17:18:16Where is Messiah in the Hebrew Scriptures? Part II
A casual read through the Bible will show that Jesus was sent by God for all of humanity, but especially for Jewish people. We learn the genealogy of Jesus (Matthew 1:1–17) and see that he was not only Jewish but a descendent of both David… Klayman Klayman2023-05-17 16:52:152023-05-17 16:52:15Is Jesus the One for Me?
According to the New Testament, the resurrected Yeshua was walking on the road with two of his disciples on Resurrection Sunday (Easter), and they didn’t recognize him. They were depressed that their rabbi had just been executed. So Yeshua… J. Crawford J. Crawford2023-05-05 21:45:442023-05-17 17:19:44Where is Messiah in the Hebrew Scriptures? Part I
You may have seen a bumper sticker that says "coexist," written with various symbols. For instance, the Muslim crescent moon represents a “C,” the peace symbol stands in for an “o,” the Star of David represents an “x,” and a cross…
Contentment. Satisfaction. Fulfillment. However you want to express it, it’s something that we place a high value on in our society. Self-help books, pop philosophies, life coaches, fad diets—there’s an entire industry built up around… Dauermann Dauermann2023-05-05 20:42:492023-05-05 20:42:49I Am Perfectly Content—Why Should I Consider Jesus?
Within the pages of the Bible are incredible predictions of a time filled with universal peace and love, a time where the world is no longer affected by racism and war, and a time where we are not bothered by taxes or bills. This is what God…