All you have to do is flip through the latest news to see that all is not right in the world. The nature of news, of course, exaggerates the negative side of life to boost ratings. But this exaggeration cannot hide how corrupt this world has… Orr Orr2023-05-02 23:01:072023-05-02 23:01:07Why Do We Need a Messiah?
Someone recently said to me, “I was so exhausted. I'm completely exhausted. I felt jittery, emotional, and apprehensive. My senses started to register that I was feeling just like the weather outside—gloomy and depressing. Numb. I continued… Recanatesi Recanatesi2023-05-02 22:28:062023-05-02 22:28:06How Can God Help Me With Depression?
The great Russian author Fyodor Dostoevsky wrote that “a beast can never be so cruel as a man, so artistically cruel.” Whatever one's religious convictions, it would be difficult to deny that people are capable of unspeakable cruelty. There… Larsen Larsen2023-01-21 00:08:272023-01-21 00:08:27Why is There So Much Evil in the World?
You may know that Jesus’s followers read the New Testament, which is about Jesus’s life and teaching. What about the Hebrew Bible? Do followers of Jesus read the Hebrew Scriptures which tell of God creating the universe, claiming Israel… Larsen Larsen2023-01-20 23:26:152023-01-20 23:26:15Do Followers of Jesus Believe in the Hebrew Bible?
Some assume Jesus had very little connection to the Hebrew Scriptures and think he intended to start a new religion. When you read the accounts of Jesus’s life, it becomes plain that nothing could be further from the truth. Jesus’s life… Arnold Arnold2022-11-16 00:24:082022-11-16 00:25:58What is the Relationship Between Jesus and the Hebrew Scriptures?
Jesus (Yeshua) often found himself surrounded by fellow Jewish people who were begging for his attention and hanging on his every word. He drew crowds with his stories, spoke wisely, and was famous throughout the land because of his miracles.… Sims Sims2022-03-31 23:23:042022-03-31 23:23:04Why Was Jesus a Popular Rabbi?