At a funeral I attended a while ago, the minister was commenting on the deceased and said that his life was “a life well lived.” That idea stuck with me. God has given us life, and that life provides us with an opportunity to live it well,… Flashman Flashman2022-03-31 23:09:472022-03-31 23:09:47What Does the Bible Say about Wisdom?
For multiple years in a row, Finland has won the title “World’s Happiest Country.” Journalists across the globe flock to this California-sized country and ask the one-million-dollar question: What makes Finland so happy? The answers given… Martin Martin2022-03-31 22:59:572022-03-31 22:59:57Does God Want Me to Be Happy?
If you have begun to investigate Jesus and you’re curious to know more, what are some next steps for learning more about him? You have come to the right place! There are numerous ways in which you can grow in your knowledge about Jesus.
Nothing… Wheaton Wheaton2022-01-03 22:49:342022-01-03 22:49:34How Can I Learn More about Jesus?
In the modern world, we are unaccustomed to talking about Hell as a real place, and if we speak about Heaven, we often assume that it is the default destiny of all human beings. However, if you do any kind of reading or studying of the Bible… Wheaton Wheaton2022-01-03 22:36:592022-01-03 22:36:59Are Heaven and Hell Real Places?
A Shabbat dinner in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil may be an odd place to start for this article, but that is where my wife and I recently met a new Israeli friend. Mutual friends connected us since we were both backpacking in South America and happened… Arnold Arnold2022-01-03 22:16:232022-01-03 22:16:23What Is the Relationship Between the Two Testaments?
As Ellis Goldstein watched the police car enter his driveway, he braced himself for the bad news. The officer handed Ellis the driver’s license of his seventeen-year-old daughter, Heather, regrettably informing him that she had just died in… J. Crawford J. Crawford2021-11-05 23:23:542021-11-05 23:23:54Suffering and the Existence of God