How did the world become the way it is today? Any serious answer to this question must acknowledge the tremendous influence the Bible has had on the world. Whatever you believe about the Bible's spiritual claims, the best-selling book in history… Larsen Larsen2021-11-05 22:53:012021-11-05 22:53:01How Has the Bible Transformed the World?
Many of us know an arrogant person, whether it is the cousin who boasts about her education at family gatherings, the boss who constantly lists her professional accomplishments, the politician who presents himself as the nation's savior, or… Larsen Larsen2021-11-05 22:35:352021-11-05 22:35:35Does Religion Lead to Arrogance?
Scene: Jerry Seinfeld at Confession
Catholic Priest: Tell me your sins, my son.
Jerry: Uh, I should mention that I’m Jewish.
Catholic Priest: Well that’s no sin.
Jerry: Oh, good.
— Seinfeld, “The Yada Yada”
If we… Wheaton Wheaton2021-11-05 22:19:242021-11-05 22:19:35How Does Sin Affect My Relationship with God?
Antisemitism has been termed the world’s oldest hatred. In considering the serious allegation that the New Testament is antisemitic, let us begin with a more precise definition of the word antisemitism that goes beyond simple Jew-hatred. To… Shore Shore2021-11-05 22:12:302023-12-14 22:27:49How Has the New Testament Been Misused to Promote Antisemitism?
“Why, O Lord, do you stand far away? Why do you hide yourself in times of trouble? Arise, O Lord; O God, lift up your hand; forget not the afflicted” (Psalm 10:1, 12). Have you ever expressed similar questions and angst to heaven? Maybe… Miles Miles2021-10-19 17:51:482021-10-19 17:51:48If God is Good, Why Do I Suffer?
Aerial images of Ethiopia reveal small forest enclaves surrounded by large swathes of arid desert. At the center of most of the oases are churches. These congregations have preserved the forest for centuries, motivated by the belief that "every… Larsen Larsen2021-04-16 00:37:592021-09-20 17:57:49Do Jesus’ Followers Care About the Environment?